There’s strength in numbers.

Introducing Syndicate™
A big benefit for big groups.


The best benefit for your organization.

Businesses are better when they work together. Business associations, chambers of commerce or other organizations can strengthen their value by offering Syndicate™, a high-quality retirement benefit that comes at a very attractive cost.
Relationships matter.
No one wants to get customer service from a robot. All our Syndicate sponsors and business members get a dedicated relationship manager, with support available by phone, email or chat. Our excellent support is our top-rated feature!

Syndicate™ 401(k)

Good for groups, good for employers.

When organizations offer a beneficial retirement plan to their participants, it attracts new members and retains existing ones. Businesses come to see the organization as one that can be trusted, one that is valuable. So organizations should take care to ensure the perks they offer are truly top-notch.


Pooled pricing

Pooled pricing might be the top feature of a Syndicate. Much like purchasing food or supplies in bulk, a Syndicate allows businesses to group their participants together to take advantage of scaled pricing they could not get otherwise.

Built for little guys

401GO plans are specifically engineered to work for small companies. Even the smallest businesses can afford and manage their 401(k).
Hands-off administration

Time is often the biggest obstacle to small businesses adopting a retirement plan. With a Syndicate, the business owner offloads the day-to-day administrative work, so the only tasks left to them can be done in about 10 minutes per year.

Loved by employees

Employees love the guided portfolio builder, the ease of management, and the stellar customer support. Live support is available by phone, email or chat.

Solutions that stick.

Here’s what your people get when they work with our people.

No cost

A Syndicate comes at no cost to the sponsoring organization. Using pooled pricing, member businesses pay a very low per-participant fee.

No fiduciary liability

The sponsoring organization takes on no fiduciary responsibility, and they offload day-to-day plan management to 401GO.

No waiting

While some group plans take weeks or even months to set up, your Syndicate can be up and running the same day.

Live support

Sponsoring organizations and plan sponsors receive a dedicated and highly-trained relationship manager.

Excellent fund options

Employers take advantage of economies of scale to receive the best pricing. Depending on group size, it could be as low as $4/active participant.

Easy administration

Automation creates massive efficiencies, allowing employers to spend almost no time managing their 401(k) plans.

Fast setup

A new plan can be onboarded in just 15 minutes using our guided setup process, and employee set up takes just 5 minutes.

Excellent funds

401GO offers a wide selection of excellent low-cost funds in risk-adjusted portfolios for best participant outcomes.

We reduce friction.

Offload the hassles that come with other group plans.


Each plan within a Syndicate has its own fiduciary and files its own reports, and comes with no termination fee, making it portable and easy to remove should the organization and the member ever need to part ways.


A Syndicate does not require an outside audit, and individual plans only need auditing if they have 100 participants with a balance. This structure removes one of the biggest downsides to group plans.


While most Syndicates will have a financial advisor involved, participating businesses can also bring their own advisor along if they choose to. Advisors can help with plan design and improve outcomes and participation.

Are you a financial advisor?

Talk to us about the possibility of serving as the 3(38) fiduciary.

Would you benefit from a Syndicate?

Contact us for a personal consultation.

The Hidden Dangers of PEP Retirement Plans

The Hidden Dangers of PEP Retirement Plans

While some business owners may realize some distinct advantages of joining a PEP versus implementing their own 401(k) plan, there are some downsides to going this route.