Jennifer Stott
Marketing Content Manager
Jen is experienced at creating and managing marketing content and blogs. She enjoys communicating about this complex industry.

Jen came to 401GO with a background in digital marketing, blogging and content production. Her prior agency experience taught her to see the value in every industry, and to focus on the right audience for to meet the needs. She is committed to producing high-quality content that is truly valuable for the reader, and organizing and presenting the content in a way that is easy to consume. Jen has found the retirement industry to be rich and complex, and enjoys the challenge of communicating the details and nuances in a way that is both understandable and compelling.

After spending all of her childhood and most of her adult life in Utah, Jen and husband moved to western Wyoming. They enjoy rural life, gardening, and raising animals. Jen plays the piano, and spent many years as a piano teacher and accompanist. She is deeply committed to learning, and loves to study the weighty topics of history, politics, religion and philosophy. She has three grown children and one grandchild.

Jen serves as a Marketing Content Manager at 401GO.


Blog, Insights for Employers, Secure Choice

Complying with State Retirement Mandates

Although life expectancy in the U.S. peaked in 2014 at 78.9 years, many of us are living much longer, and it costs money. The government is making less noise than…

Blog, Insights for Employers, Secure Choice

MarylandSaves Retirement Program: Pros and Cons

The state of Maryland introduced the Maryland Small Business Retirement Savings Program and Trust in 2016, and the program was made available in September of 2022. Like many other similar state…

Blog, Insights for Employers, Secure Choice

Connecticut Retirement Program My CTSavings: Pros and Cons

The state of Connecticut created a retirement security program in 2016. Like many other similar state retirement programs, it mandates that all employers that do not offer a retirement plan to…

Blog, Insights for Employers, Secure Choice

New York Secure Choice Savings Program: Pros and Cons

The state of New York signed Senate Bill S5395A into law. Like many other similar state retirement programs, it mandates that all employers that do not offer a retirement plan…

Blog, Insights for Employers, Insights for Everyone Else, SMB

Benefits of a 401(k) Plan for Employers

401(k)s are a retirement benefit for employees, but employers can also experience significant benefits by establishing a plan. And for business owners debating whether or not to offer their employees…

Blog, Insights for Employers, SMB, Solutions SMB

5 Updates to Make Your 401(k) Attractive to Gen Z Workers in 2023

There’s a new trend among employees called “super saving.” Super savers put at least 20% of their salary into a retirement or other investment account. While super savers come in…


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