Why Your Startup Needs a 401(k) Plan Today


Running a startup is no small feat. As a founder, you’re constantly juggling different responsibilities, from securing funding to building a strong team. You might wonder whether offering benefits such as a 401(k) plan is worth the effort and expense. 

Hesitation is common and understandable, but implementing a 401(k) plan can be a game-changer for your business. Let’s talk through some of the key benefits and challenges of offering a 401(k) plan, and how 401GO is upending the industry to make it much less painful.

The Benefits

Around ⅔ of American companies offer a retirement benefit to their employees. What makes it so valuable to these businesses?

  • Attracting and retaining top talent: In today’s competitive job market, top candidates are looking for more than just a good salary. According to Forbes, retirement plans are the third most important benefit to employees, after only healthcare and life insurance. A 401(k) plan can significantly boost employee morale and loyalty, leading to higher retention rates.
  • Tax advantages for the company: Tax benefits are one of the most compelling reasons to offer a 401(k). Contributions you make to your employees’ accounts are tax-deductible, reducing your overall tax liability. And, your startup may qualify for tax credits to offset the costs of setting up and administering the plan.
  • Long-term financial security for employees: A 401(k) plan can reduce employees’ stress and improve their productivity. Knowing that they have a solid retirement plan can allow employees to focus more on their work and contribute more effectively to your company’s success.


The Challenges

Young and small companies have unique needs, making a retirement benefit feel out of reach.

  • Initial setup costs: Setup expenses such as fees for plan design, legal services, and setting up administrative processes can be a barrier of entry for many small businesses and startups.
  • Ongoing administration: For a startup with limited resources, the ongoing responsibility of managing employee contributions, handling plan documentation and employee notifications can be daunting.
  • Regulatory compliance: 401(k) plans are subject to strict regulations and compliance requirements set by the IRS and the Department of Labor. Keeping up with these regulations demands a thorough understanding and diligent management, which can be challenging for a small team.
  • Financial strain on a growing business: Balancing the desire to provide attractive benefits with the need to maintain financial stability is a common challenge for many startups.


The Good News

There are ways to alleviate the challenges that businesses face when offering a 401(k) plan, and in some cases, removing them altogether.

First, choose the right plan provider. Look for a provider who offers comprehensive services, including plan setup, administration, and compliance support. 

Next, minimize costs by starting with a basic 401(k) plan that meets essential requirements. You can always enhance the plan’s features as your startup grows. 

Last, leverage technology to simplify plan administration. Look for plan providers that offer user-friendly online platforms for managing contributions, compliance, and reporting.

Consider using 401GO as your retirement plan provider. Built for small businesses, we handle all administration, recordkeeping, and compliance for the plan, effectively eliminating the admin burden for the business owner. We offer a wide range of plan types to accommodate your circumstances, and our setup time is an astounding 15 minutes. Competitive pricing saves you thousands of dollars compared to legacy retirement providers. And, our technology is second to none. The 401GO platform is heavily automated and easy to use, which drives down costs for small companies.

With 401GO, you can maximize the benefits of offering a retirement plan while minimizing the challenges that you will face. The decision to offer a 401(k) plan should be based on a careful assessment of your startup’s resources and long-term goals. With thoughtful planning and execution, a 401(k) plan can become a valuable asset for your business, helping you build a motivated, loyal, and financially secure team.

Learn more about our 401(k) options optimized for small and medium sized businesses.

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Dillon Hunt
Dillon is a Senior Plan Consultant and hobby farmer. He enjoys financial topics and helping clients achieve their financial goals.

Learn more about our 401(k) options optimized for small and medium sized businesses.

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