Insights for Employers

Enjoy your summer: 401GO can set up your safe harbor 401(k) in minutes.

Judd Bagley

SMB, Insights for Advisors, Insights for Employers, Safe Harbor

While most people consider Labor Day to be the unofficial first day of autumn, those of us in the retirement savings business think the season changes on October 1st: Safe…

401(k) Plans Are Making a Big Impact for Construction Workers

Kevin Richards

Insights for Employers

Before coming to 401GO, I asked our CEO Dan Beck, “What would make me feel good about working for you?” Dan asked me to imagine a roofing company with employees…

Why Cash Balance Retirement Plans are Good for Small Businesses

Paul Villanueva

Insights for Advisors, Insights for Employers

The retirement plan industry is currently experiencing significant changes with a focus on the small market space. As defined benefit plans have dwindled and defined contribution plans like the 401(k)…

Technology is a 401(k) Game Changer for Small Businesses and Financial Advisors

Judd Bagley

Insights for Advisors, Insights for Employers

401GO’s founders are serial entrepreneurs who, while growing a promising small business, wanted to offer their employees the many benefits of a 401(k) plan — only to discover that the…

Safe Harbor or Traditional 401(k): Which Is Better for Your Small Business?

Dillon Hunt

Insights for Employers, Safe Harbor

Have you heard of a Safe Harbor 401(k)? Maybe you have, but you don’t know how it works. Or you know how it works, but you’re not sure it would…

Colorado SecureSavings Pros and Cons

Jennifer Stott

Insights for Employers, Insights for Advisors, Secure Choice

Batman vs. Superman. Hulk vs. Wolverine. Frankenstein vs. Dracula. These are legendary contests, and while we don’t claim that 401GO vs. Colorado SecureSavings is as entertaining as the others, we…