Enjoy your summer: 401GO can set up your safe harbor 401(k) in minutes.

So why are all the other 401(k) providers getting all worked up on social media, saying it’s urgent that the process of creating a new safe harbor plan must begin immediately if that distant deadline is to be met? Is it possible their calendars are broken?

401(k) Plans Are Making a Big Impact for Construction Workers

Imagine a roofing company. If that company has an incentive to offer workers a retirement plan with company-provided matching contributions, it may be the only avenue those workers have to produce a cushion at the end of their working career. 

Why Cash Balance Retirement Plans are Good for Small Businesses

Cash balance plans are emerging as the hybrid that the market is looking for, as they boast the high contribution limits of defined benefit plans and the straightforwardness of defined contribution plans.

Technology is a 401(k) Game Changer for Small Businesses and Financial Advisors

401GO’s founders are serial entrepreneurs who wanted to offer their employees the many benefits of a 401(k) plan — only to discover that the status quo presented impediments serious enough to make it nearly impossible. 

Safe Harbor or Traditional 401(k): Which Is Better for Your Small Business?

Have you heard of a Safe Harbor 401(k)? Maybe you have, but you don’t know how it works. Or you know how it works, but you’re not sure it would be right for your small business. Today, we’re going to work through these questions to help you decide whether a Safe Harbor 401(k) plan would work well for your situation. At 401GO, we work with small and medium-sized businesses that want to sponsor 401(k) plans for their companies, helping to make everyone’s retirement more secure.

Colorado SecureSavings Pros and Cons

Batman vs. Superman. Hulk vs. Wolverine. Frankenstein vs. Dracula. These are legendary contests, and while we don’t claim that 401GO vs. Colorado SecureSavings is as entertaining as the others, we assert that the results are much more relevant. Our contest is more like a presidential debate than a boxing match, and we’re letting you decide who the winner is.

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