Enjoy your summer: 401GO can set up your safe harbor 401(k) in minutes.

Judd Bagley

SMB, Insights for Advisors, Insights for Employers, Safe Harbor

While most people consider Labor Day to be the unofficial first day of autumn, those of us in the retirement savings business think the season changes on October 1st: Safe…

Is Offering a 401(k) Mandatory?

Jeff Edmonds


Many small-business owners have had high anxiety over 401(k) plans since 2017 when Oregon became the first state to mandate offering retirement accounts to employees. Small-business owners are worried they…

Is It Time for Your Small Business to Offer a 401(k)?

Dillon Hunt

SMB, Insights for Employers

You have a lot to consider when you’re thinking about starting a 401(k) at your small business. It’s a big step to take, and you want to make sure you’re…

5 Ways SMBs Can Reduce Payroll Taxes

Justin Pinner

Insights for Employers, Insights for Everyone Else, NFA, SMB

Whether you look at paying taxes as part of your civic duty as an entrepreneur in America or as a distasteful requirement of doing business in the U.S. (or you’re…

Top 5 Things You Won’t Worry About with a 401(k) from 401GO

Kevin Richards

SMB, Insights for Employers

Everyone loves to have a 401(k) plan, but no one wants to do the work that goes into running it. Well, we do, because that’s our job and we love…

How to Retain the Best Employees

Saad Zariff

Blog, Insights for Employers, SMB

As a small-business owner, you may think you know a thing or two about how to retain good employees. But if you were 100% sure, you wouldn’t be reading this.…