
Is Offering a 401(k) Mandatory?

Jeff Edmonds


Many small-business owners have had high anxiety over 401(k) plans since 2017 when Oregon became the first state to mandate offering retirement accounts to employees. Small-business owners are worried they…

Strategies to Supercharge Your IRA & Maximize Returns

Alex Sirstins

Participants, Insights for Employers, Insights for Participants

Saving for retirement is a race, and you don’t want to fall behind into that group of slackers at the back of the pack. If you think it’s all about…

How to Build a Retirement Portfolio

Nate Beck

Insights for Participants, Participants

We think it’s safe to say that the average working person in the U.S. doesn’t know a great deal about investing. Not only that, but the topic can even provoke…

Is It Time for Your Small Business to Offer a 401(k)?

Dillon Hunt

SMB, Insights for Employers

You have a lot to consider when you’re thinking about starting a 401(k) at your small business. It’s a big step to take, and you want to make sure you’re…

How to Establish a Vesting Schedule for Your Company’s 401(k)

Alex Sirstins

Blog, Insights for Employers

If you are just starting a 401(k) at your company, you may be wondering about vesting. How should you decide what type of vesting schedule to establish? Does it really…

The Power of Compound Interest: How to Build Wealth for Retirement

Derek Owen

Participants, Insights for Participants

If you haven’t had much of a financial education — and who has today? —  the idea of calculating compound interest may make your eyes glaze over. But don’t let…