Solutions FA

Built-In 3(38) or Optional Outside 3(38) Fiduciary Services?

Nate Beck

Blog, FA Partnerships, Insights for Advisors, Investments, Solutions FA

As a financial advisor, helping clients with their retirement investments is a big part of your job. And when it comes to retirement planning, 401(k) plans are the gold standard…

New Roth Employer Contributions Law

Jared Porter

Blog, FA Partnerships, Insights for Advisors, Solutions FA

In a perfect world, everyone would have enough money to cover all their expenses and they wouldn’t have to worry about retirement. Unfortunately, if that was even possible, it would…

5 Reasons to Offer a Group 401(k) Plan to Your Organization

Jared Porter

Blog, FA Partnerships, Insights for Advisors, Insights for Everyone Else, Solutions FA, Solutions Groups

Business associations, chambers of commerce or any other loosely related organization of businesses can sponsor a group 401(k) plan. A high-quality and low-cost benefit can provide an attractive reason for…