Solutions Groups

The Hidden Dangers of PEP Retirement Plans

Jared Porter

Blog, FA Partnerships, Insights for Advisors, Solutions Groups

If you own a small or medium-sized business and you don’t have a 401(k) plan up and running yet, you may be unfamiliar with the choice of joining a Pooled…

5 Reasons to Offer a Group 401(k) Plan to Your Organization

Jared Porter

Blog, FA Partnerships, Insights for Advisors, Insights for Everyone Else, Solutions FA, Solutions Groups

Business associations, chambers of commerce or any other loosely related organization of businesses can sponsor a group 401(k) plan. A high-quality and low-cost benefit can provide an attractive reason for…

Why a 401(k) Syndicate is the Best Option for a Chamber of Commerce

Jared Porter

Blog, FA Partnerships, Insights for Advisors, Insights for Everyone Else, Solutions Groups

When it comes to the 401(k) retirement benefit, it’s important to make it easy to use and flexible. In fact, that is why technology can do so much to simplify…